Music in The Body
The modern Christian life with the loss of singing Psalms together as a body of believers, is a mortal blow that the Devil smiles on. Satan does not want complicated, biblical, harmonious, joyfully-boisterous singing. Satan desires our children to grow up as mundane, theologically-slippery, immature, automatons. What better way to be pushed over later in life when the encounters with the world become physically and theologically challenging.
There’s an App for That
Many of us have not grown up singing complicated fugues, Genevan jigs, and even stout Reformation-era songs, let alone the Psalms. One helpful tool is the Sing Your Part iOS App. You can also access it for free via the web.
Some things worth noting:
You can select King’s Church as your home church and the music for that week will be available to sing.
You can check out other hymnals, and have the sheet music ready anywhere your phone has Internet access.
A hymnal that keeps growing
We sing the Cantus Christi at King’s Church. The only known hymnal in modern history that is getting bigger rather than smaller. The Goal - Sing every Psalm. How do we do that? By practicing! At home, in school, in the car, and during worship. We are to be redeeming every minute of our time, and this requires us to know what we are singing.